Here are two interesting stories which are great examples of the “relevant and constant data” Trend Tracker is tracking to look to understand and predict motor claims volumes, an increasingly difficult challenge for businesses across the motor claims market:
The Daily Mail is reporting traffic levels are back to how they were before the COVID-19 pandemic struck early last year, according to a new report released by telematics data firm AX.
“Whilst we would agree traffic levels have definitely climbed back to pre-pandemic levels, we think the congestion patterns across the day have changed creating less accidents still, based on the latest traffic reports from Tom Tom,” said Paul Sell, Associate Director of Industry Insights, new owners of Trend Tracker. “This is definitely showing a pattern similar to pre-pandemic, but not hitting the peak congestion at peak times of the day.”
Could this be the result of the continued approach to flexible working by many, asked Paul, with The Times reporting that Deloitte has stated its 20,000 staff across the UK can work from home forever if they wish too. How many more are taking these decisions and how does this impact the daily commute and traffic congestion on an ongoing basis, said Paul.
Trend Tracker’s latest view, using data from its partners, Audatex, predicts a return to 85-90% of pre-pandemic volumes, one we intend to keep our finger on the pulse of, we will share this insight with our subscribers on a regular basis.

Trend Tracker reveals a brand-new series of quarterly detailed industry reports, the first of which entitled ‘Emerging from COVID-19’ which is now out and available here offering an option to purchase the report or start a monthly subscription to access this report and all future reports. The report contains extensive desktop research as well as contributions from its data and insight partners (Consumer Intelligence, Thatcham Research, the SMMT and Solera Audatex).
Crucially, Emerging from COVID analyses this data, along with significant supporting research to consider what the future will hold.
Start your subscription here
(press) Kelly Dalwood T: 07743 068666 E:
(Industry Insights) Steve Thompson T: 07789 617226 E:
(Trend Tracker) Paul Sell T: 07887626082 E: