In a survey sent to webinar attendees, 91% of respondents believe that NBRA have ‘hit the mark’ again…
On Tuesday 9th March, the National Body Repair Association (NBRA) hosted their fourth successive webinar which focused on their brand new website feature. In collaboration with Crash Assessor UK, the new website features a ‘Virtual VDA’ tool in the technical page, which was designed to assist repairers in the estimation process – particularly during times where VDA’s could be away on furlough.
The Webinar featured special guest Andy Watson, who is Founder and Manager at Crash Assessor UK.
Topics included:
- Understanding the VDA variances – how well are your VDA’s trained?
– In a poll ran during the webinar, attendees were asked at what level of qualification they believed their current VDA’s to be at. 47% of respondents stated that there VDA’s were ‘qualified with additional competent training in technology’. At the end of the webinar, attendees were asked the same question, with the information that they now knew, and this statistic dropped to 35%.
- The technology in the industry rolling out at an alarming rate.
– The webinar touched upon some of the emerging technologies within the industry, that require repairers to be up-to-date with competency and training. 48V’s, ADAS, EV’s and more, mean that VDA’s will need to update they training on a regular basis. This is something that was brought to attention, as in the poll during the webinar, attendees were asked how often their VDA’s get training. In which 63% of respondents stated only once a year.
- Virtual VDA as a business solution.
- A look at productivity vs efficiency.
- A break down of how the Virtual VDA service will work.
Ultimately, the webinar was regarded as another success for NBRA. In a survey that took place after the webinar, 91% of attendees stated that the webinar had ‘hit the mark’ for them and find these webinars extremely useful.
Further to this, 73% of respondents stated that they will be visiting the NBRA technical page to make use of this new Virtual VDA service.
If you missed the webinar, below you can access a recording and a registration link for the VVDA service.
Thomas Hudd, NBRA Technical Manager commented: “Great panellist, Mick Walker at Intelauto and Andy Watson, Crash Assessor UK discussing the modern VDA, the skills they require and alternative solutions to estimating. Who should pay for the estimate was also discussed with interesting feedback along with potential charge out cost for estimates to work providers.
Check out the incredible offer of a specific estimate being created from as little as £16.25 +vat on the NBRA website for a limited time only.”